Dental Care

Family Pet Animal Hospital provides routine dental services to pets in Lockport, Larose, Golden Meadow, and the surrounding areas of south Louisiana. We offer dental cleaning and polishing, extractions, and guidance for at home care including recommended dental chews and instructions for brushing your pet’s teeth.
Dental care is an essential part of pet health that is often overlooked by pet parents. Oral disease in pets begins with bacteria in the mouth that harden and form plaque that adhere to teeth. If not removed through regular care and cleaning, these bacteria will accumulate, harden into tartar, and can lead to the development of periodontal disease. Once periodontal disease is established, the constant exposure to these bacteria can potentially cause damage to major organs of the body such as the heart, liver, and kidneys.
On the other hand, annual dental exams and cleanings can help prevent the development of periodontal disease as well as additional health problems and the resulting costs. We suggest that pet owners initiate regular dental care when your pets are young to avoid dental problems, improve your pets’ overall health, and extend their lifespan.
Give us a call at Family Pet Animal Hospital to get your pet started with dental care or if you notice your pet illustrating the following symptoms:
- Bad breath
- Abnormal chewing, drooling, or dropping food from the mouth
- Pawing at the face or mouth
- Swelling of the face
- Gum recession and/or gum swelling
- Broken or loose teeth
- Teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar
- Reduced appetite or refusal to eat
- Pain in or around the mouth
- Bleeding from the mouth